Valence Water:
ReactorLink™ Supply Program
Valence Water's ReactorLink™ is a service and supply program that helps our customers operate WaterMiner® and OxiMiner™ systems more efficiently through real time monitoring, onsite service and evaluation visits and ongoing supply and delivery of consumables.
ReactorLink™ helps reduce the amount of time plant personnel spend overseeing operations and supply logistics, freeing them up to focus on their core business.
ReactorLink™ Platform Includes:
Supply of sacrificial iron or aluminum anodes, delivered to your facility
Supply of flocculants used in the WaterMiner® process, delivered to your facility
Semi-annual, on site servicing and training by a Valence Water Technician
Operation and performance monitoring
PLC and process updates as they become available
Remote visualization via mobile phone or tablet
ReactorLink™ Benefits:
Minimal handling of consumables
Supply chain and logistics covered by Valence Water
Process optimization through real time monitoring
Consistent effluent discharge
Real-time operator alerts